Right my lovelies, it's time to launch this months Book Challenge, the basic rules are the same as last month, here is a quick reminder:
To be eligible to win a copy of the book each month, you need to make a project from a book (or magazine) and:
1. Add a link in comments with your blog post in that month for a book/magazine made project, something crafty, embroidered, sewn, or quilted- mention this competition, and link back to my blog please.
2. For an extra entry, be a follower (you must have linked up a project), and tell me your "on screen" name
3. And for a 3rd chance to win, tell me about your favourite sewing project ever, and why you enjoyed it so much.
The Rules The project doesn't have to be completely finished if it's a big one, so for example, if you're making a quilt, and the whole top is pieced, that counts for an entry, but if you're making a little pouch or cushion, then it should be pretty much done. It can also be a project heavily inspired by a book pattern.
And this months prize book is the fantastic Modern Designs From Classic Quilts (don't worry, i'm not planning on sending you my now dog-eared copy, yours will be brand spanking new!), reviewed here.
Well, after last months successful completion (remember this baby quilt I finished)
I need to decide on my own plan for the month, what shall I make? Nothings springing to mind just yet, I had better get browsing my beautiful tomes.
Ange x
Oooo - fab book and one I have drooled over many a time and not purchased. I am a follower and have decided on my project - I just need to find a few hours from somewhere to do it!!!
ReplyDeleteHmmm - my favourite project ever? I guess that would be my '4 Things' quilt top that I made in January. I pieced four words and made a low volume pieced top to go with t with some of my fav blocks - wonky stars, wonky houses, wonky tree, quirky bird, mod flower - and the words made in my fav colours - red, aqua, lime green and navy - with loads of text prints and whites, off whites and white on white fabrics! I can't wait to finally make it into a quilt! The words have a lot of meaning to me so it is a special quilt.
ReplyDeleteOh that's a great book I have been eyeing for a while. That's a great challenge. I hope to have time to participate.
ReplyDeleteI shall have to have a browse through my few books and see if there is a project I need to do. I'll make you help me choose tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI am a follower. I have been making sewing kits from the Zakka-style book that I got from the library.... but that was last month! So, I am going to make the swingy shoulder bag from "sew the perfect gift" to join in the month.
ReplyDeleteYou can see my Reverse Applique Christmas Pillow from Pretty in Patchwork Holidays here
I did make a few modifications but you can definitely tell where the idea came from :)
I follow you through GFC.
ReplyDeleteI think my favorite sewing project so far is my Art Student Tote made using Reunion fabrics (not my usual style but for this project they were perfect!).
ReplyDeleteOooh I made something today, but can't talk about it until Valentine's day - I will link back (if I remember!!) xxxx
ReplyDeleteOoh lovely book - perhaps I shall take a wee look too!
ReplyDeleteYay I finished my neckerchief thing using my precious Oakshott fabrics - yum!!! http://craftyshenanigans.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/february-book-project-in-oakshott.html
ReplyDeleteCan any jump in and join?
ReplyDeleteHi Ange,
ReplyDeleteI've beaded a fringe on a scarf from the book Simple Glass Beading, I posted about it today http://thecraftersapprentice.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/beading-fringe.html.
I'm a follower, I'm not sure I've got a favourite ever sewing project, I tend to forget what I've made pretty much as soon as I've made it!
Goodness you've been busy Mrs! As you know, I've got this book, so I'll wait until next month to join in.
ReplyDeleteSarah x
ReplyDeleteI am linking up with my extra swingy shoulder bag.....
Thanks, Tanya
http://intheboondocks.blogspot.com/2013/02/cute-hat.html I am linking up with this tiny hat I made for my grand daughter and it was still to big! First hat ever!
ReplyDeleteI am a follower now! No more mix up!
ReplyDeleteThe quilt I made for my father. He travels just a bit and everywhere he goes it goes. It makes me proud just thinking of it! He is caring a piece of my love with him!
ReplyDeleteentry number two is a beaded flower from a book:
Don't think I've got time for another this month, but next month I'm doing all 3!
ReplyDeleteThis is my entry for this month :)
I'm also a follower :)
ReplyDeleteAnd my favourite (and probably also most complicated) sewing project must be a Twilight Quilt that I made for my best friend. That was the first ever really big project I made and I went a little overboard, but she loved it and it's in use daily :)
ReplyDeleteJust done my book review with details of a project! You can read about it here http://patchyrose-pearl.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/crafty-books.html
ReplyDeleteI am already a follower, down the side of my blog...
ReplyDeleteFavourite ever project would have to be a quilt I made for my daughter's birthday once... a big picture scene with a house, rainbow, flowers... She loved it :-)
ReplyDeleteHere just in time! My entry for February is ovber here
I'm a happy follower.
ReplyDeleteI'm most proud of this Flower Fairy cross stitch,,,I started it when I was 10 and finished it in time for my mum's 50th birthday...about 15 years later!
I have only just realised that it can be a project form a magazine or book so I am going to enter this post :)
I am a follower :)
ReplyDeleteI am really bad at picking favourites, but I think it was a cross stitch project called The Plough, it took me about 18months and there were times I didn't think I would make it but I am so glad I did, I love horses and my mum tells me it reminds her of when Granddad used to plough the fields with horses.
ReplyDeleteRight, i will close the competition now, but as I need to "weed" out the lovely comments from the entries and make sure all numbers are correct before drawing a winner, i'll do that this evening when the little one is in bed, Good Luck everyone! :)