Saturday, 22 December 2012

Modern Designs for Classic Quilts, A Book Review...and news of a New Year Giveaway!

So, up front confession time, I LOVE books, yep, and I especially love quilting/sewing books.  And quite frankly, this is no exception, in fact, it is a really great bit of quilting eye candy, and well worth the cover price.  Now, I was given this book for free, but with absolutely no strings attached either way, just asked to provide a fair review, so this is my opinion, plain and simple, it's what I think. : )

And now lets get to the bit where I tell you what's in the lovely book, and you can see if it's something you might be tempted to spend your Christmas money on...
Kelly Biscopink is one of the authors, and a blogger at Stitchyquiltstuff , and teams up with her Modern Quilt Guild friend, Andrea Johnson, to show (unsurprisingly) modern designs and quilts, using classic design blocks, so for example, a fresh looking log cabin quilt.
The book begins with a little definition of the difference between modern and traditional quilting, and then a basic techniques section, some for the various different quilts in the book- very handy.   And then it's into the 12 quilt designs, and I can honestly say, hand on heart, there is not one I don't like
 They are all fantastic, and range from flying geese, a low volume scrappy quilt, rainbow colours, strings, giant log cabins, hexagons, dresdens, to a PHE-NOM-EN-AL New York Beauty quilt.  And not just super-sized quilts, oh no my friend, they include a lovely selection of mini projects for when you want to try the block/style, to see if your patience and skills match your ambition (not always in my case, but I'm usually up for giving it a go!!).
So, can you guess which is my favourite, no prizes for guessing it's the New York Beauty, but even that is a difficult choice, in truth, I can barely pick just one, as there are things I love about all of them, and as for which one I will be making first Oh I don't know, don't try to pin me down, it's too hard- let's just say, once I get finished with the bee blocks that I am (quite literally) wrestling with, and I am going to be all over this book!  If you want to see what one of the quilts from the book looks like, go and check out Sarah at Duck Egg Threads blog, she has just made a version of the baby quilt from the book, which is gorgeous.
You can buy Modern Designs for Classic Quilts (it's a different cover, same book) at RUCraft ....
   For anyone who has made it to the end of the review, well done, and if you love books, make sure you are back at the start of January when I am starting my monthly book give-away with a competition, encouraging others to join me making projects from their sewing and quilting books every month.   

The first book I will be reviewing and giving away is Stitch and Sew Home by Eline Pellinkhof....
Ange x


  1. I love sewing books, in fact I keep adding them to my wishlist on Amazon so people know what to get my for birthday and Christmas so i don't have to buy them all myself! I know for sure there's a few being added to my stack of ones I already own by Christmas! :D

  2. I am a sucker for books in general but especialy craft and sewing books! I try to resist because I really. have. NO. space. for. them in the smal tiny english cottage I live in , but I can't help myself!!! I love having a stack on the side tabel in the living room to flip through whenever the mood strikes - ahhhh...boooks :)

  3. The cover alone convinced me I wanted to read this book. I love log cabin quilts, and the design and fabrics chosen for their interpretation? So lovely! I haven't found a copy yet, but your review tells me that I need to do that, and soon! Thanks for sharing. :)

  4. I'm excited to read your reviews. I already have too many books that I haven't had time to use yet, but why not add a few more to the stack :)

  5. Thank you so very much for your wonderful review of our book! Send me some pictures of stuff you make, mkay? It makes me a little giddy when I see projects made from my patterns. Blessings to you!!


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