Sunday, 6 April 2014

FAL Q1 Success

Before I update about my list, I need to say thanks to everyone for all of the lovely comments on my last post, I do have some more thank you's for lovely hand made gifts, if I can just get a few photos and a few minutes to spare!
Well I started Q1 with 18 items on my Finish Along List, and despite a rather busy quarter (on a personal level) I did actually manage a few finishes, well 4 to be precise, as well as making progress on some others.
 All done for Alison @littleislandquilting #soyamadoquilts
Hexy pouch finished, that's another one off FAL, yay!

1. Hexy 2
2. Hexy Pouch
3. Alphabet Embr Quilt
4. The Weekender
5. Secret Squirrel
6. Baby Quilt
7. My Sampler Quilt
8. Siblings Together Quilt

9. Plus Quilt
10. Stitch Tease House Quilt
11. Simply Solids Quilt 12. Star/Bright Sampler Blocks
13. Improv Mini

14. Portholes blocks
15. EPP Star Embroidery Pouch
16. Hand Hoop 

17. Skill Builder BOM 2013 blocks
18.Crochet Blanket

That progress would be all the better if I hadn't started some new projects, but fortunately some are smaller and have deadlines coming up, so will have to get finished fairly swiftly, more to follow once I set my new list for Q2

Ange xxx 


  1. Well 4 quilts and a human isn't a bad effort...

  2. Still more than me and I didn't have the whole baby thing going on!

  3. Well done Ange - aren't you missing another important finsih?!

  4. 4 is a great number of finishes :-) Love the Posy quilt the best.

  5. The HST mini is beautiful. Good job!

  6. I love your comment "The progress would have been all the better if I hadn't started some new projects" - don't you mean "The progress would have been a bit better if I hadn't just given birth and was looking after a newborn baby" - honestly if you make anything at all in the next 12 months you will be doing better than I did in my 2nd child's first year!!!


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