So, without focusing too much on the repeat offenders, and staying positive, here goes for the coming quarter:
1. Hexy 2
Started: December 2013.
Current Status: Top Finished, half the hexy binding sewn together, and backing chosen and pieced.
Plan: Just need to remove loads of papers, baste and get quilting.
2. The Weekender

Started: Spring 2013
Current Status: Taken back apart. Reduce size of the base, re-sew together and then fix the lining
Plan: No comment
3. Plus Quilt
Started: Summer 2013 Current Status: Central section completed, need to make lots more pluses!
Plan: Keep going
4. Star/Bright Sample Blocks.

Started: January 2013
Current Status: Just Blocks
Plan: Piece and quilt
5. Hand Hoop

Started: Early 2013
Current Status: Needs hoop finishing off
Plan: Finish and hang!
6.Crochet Blanket
Started: End of 2012
Current Status: All blocks finished, need joining and lining
Plan:Sew them together and get them made into a little blanket
7. Christmas Quilt 2
Started: December 2014Current Status: Strips pieced, need sewing together, basting, quilting and binding.
Plan:Finish before Christmas
8.Improv Cushion
Started: Autumn 2014
Current Status: Just the top
Plan: Quilt and make up into a cushion to match the other when it returns from Popular Patchwork.
9. Sunprint Quilt
Started: April 2015
Current Status: Sunprint all cut and ready to sew
Plan: Get it pieced once final blender fabric arrives.
So, I'll be trying to complete another 3 of these at least, and really bringing down my wip's to under 5 before the end of the year, can't have projects hanging around for 2 years plus, forever, now can we!!
Ange x